I choose you and choose you again

Home/Love, Poetry/I choose you and choose you again

I choose you and choose you again

I choose you and choose you again
by every awakening
every step
every breath
after every silence
through every difficulty
despite all the fear.

Perhaps because
we are woven with the same substance
soaked with the same nostalgia
born by the same pain
dipped in the same light
crazy of the same joy.

Love has no explanations
but it answers to everything.

Maria Letizia Del Zompo


Lyric from the book: “Passi. Versi di un incontro”

Further informations here: Libro “Passi. Versi di un incontro”





This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)

By | 2017-07-23T23:44:27+00:00 July 22nd, 2017|Love, Poetry|0 Comments

About the Author:

Sono medico pediatra, ma da qualche tempo ho iniziato quella che chiamo la mia seconda vita e voglio dedicarla allo scrivere, oltre che alla vita stessa.

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